Arctic Hayes ARC998724 3-in-1 Thermometer The Arctic Hayes 3-in-1 Thermometer is a pipe, infrared and stem thermometer, all in 1 instrument. Select measurement in Degrees Celsius or degree;F with a response time less than 1 second. The clamp opens to a max. of 1in (25mm) approx. Other features include: max./min. record, data hold & automatic power off function. Specification: IR Temp. Range Temperature Range: -35 Degrees Celsius to +260 Degrees Celsius/-31 degree;F to 500 degree;F. IR Temperature Resolution: 0.1 Degrees Celsius/ degree;F. Optical Resolution 1:1 Distance to Spot Size. Thermistor Temperature Range: -40 Degrees Celsius to +260 Degrees Celsius/-40 degree;F to 500 degree;F. Resolution: 0.1 Degrees Celsius/ degree;F Basic Accuracy: 2% of Readings.