Bond It Universal Building Render One Coat Pre-Mixed Sand Lime Cement Grey 25Kg.

Bond It Universal Building Render One Coat Pre-Mixed Sand Lime Cement Grey 25Kg.

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Description:A pre‐mixed render based on sand, lime, cement and additives. A moderate strength render for moderatestrength backgrounds and moderate exposure conditions.Benefits:u Weather resistant.u Allows walls to breathe.u Resists penetrating damp.u Will not chip, flake or peel.u Can be hosed down.u Tough and flexible.u Excellent adhesion.UsesAs a base coat render; it is applied in one coat, avoiding the dryingtime associated with multi-coat render systems. It can be usedinternally and externally. UNIVERSAL BUILDING RENDER resists thepenetration of external water and has excellent weatherresistance and durability, whilst also allowing the structure tobreathe. UNIVERSAL BUILDING RENDER can be applied to mostsubstrates including suitably prepared brickwork and concrete.PreparationIt is important that the correct grade of render is chosen to suitthe substrate and application. Please refer to EN13914-1 design,preparation and application of external rendering. All surfacesmust be clean, dry and free from any material which may impairadhesion.Poorly keyed surfaces should be pre-treated with a suitableprimer. Faults in the structure must be rectified before rendering.Mask around the areas where material is to be applied. This mustbe removed before the material has dried out. Note: In manycases rendering applied to expanded metal lathing is more proneto cracking than when applied to dense masonry. To reduce thisrisk, lathing must be fixed strictly in accordance with themanufacturer’s recommendations and relevant codes of practice.Expansion joints should be included as required.


Description:A pre‐mixed render based on sand, lime, cement and additives. A moderate strength render for moderatestrength backgrounds and moderate exposure conditions.Benefits:u Weather resistant.u Allows walls to breathe.u Resists penetrating damp.u Will not chip, flake or peel.u Can be hosed down.u Tough and flexible.u Excellent adhesion.UsesAs a base coat render; it is applied in one coat, avoiding the dryingtime associated with multi-coat render systems. It can be usedinternally and externally. UNIVERSAL BUILDING RENDER resists thepenetration of external water and has excellent weatherresistance and durability, whilst also allowing the structure tobreathe. UNIVERSAL BUILDING RENDER can be applied to mostsubstrates including suitably prepared brickwork and concrete.PreparationIt is important that the correct grade of render is chosen to suitthe substrate and application. Please refer to EN13914-1 design,preparation and application of external rendering. All surfacesmust be clean, dry and free from any material which may impairadhesion.Poorly keyed surfaces should be pre-treated with a suitableprimer. Faults in the structure must be rectified before rendering.Mask around the areas where material is to be applied. This mustbe removed before the material has dried out. Note: In manycases rendering applied to expanded metal lathing is more proneto cracking than when applied to dense masonry. To reduce thisrisk, lathing must be fixed strictly in accordance with themanufacturer’s recommendations and relevant codes of practice.Expansion joints should be included as required.